Thursday, April 26, 2012

DG History

From blogs up until this point, you have learned about the special sisterhood of DG, the impact of DG’s great philanthropy and many of the events that Gamma Sigma’s have participated in.  However, you could probably use some extra detail on how Delta Gamma began.  By understanding the powerful history behind Delta Gamma, potential members are able to gain a better understanding of why the chapter is so great.

Delta Gamma was founded on Christmas Eve of 1873 at the Lewis School for Girls in Oxford, Mississippi. Anna Boyd Ellington, Mary Comfort Leonard, and Eva Webb Dodd sought to create a group of women with strong principles, lasting friendships, and love and consideration for mankind.  These three founders are still cherished and looked upon as wonderful influences.  Many DG’s nationwide aspire to be as bold and strong as them.

Delta Gamma was one of the seven charter members of the National Panhellenic Conference when the first inter-sorority meeting was held in Boston. In 1985 the Epsilon Psi chapter of Delta Gamma was installed at Rutgers University. The chapter was established on Mine Street, and in the summer of 2006 relocated to College Avenue. The chapter now resides in the beautiful house of 78 College Ave. The house is a home to all members, and up to 35 women reside there during the school year. Delta Gamma is among the oldest of women's fraternities. More than 190,000 members have been initiated at the rate of 5,000 each year. Delta Gamma is established on over 140 college campuses across the United States and Canada.

The Delta Gamma chapter here at the University of Houston is called the “Gamma Sigma” chapter, and consists of about 60 members.  We have a house at Bayou Oaks on campus, where 16 active DG’s currently live.  While greek life changes at every university, Delta Gamma carries her values with her all over.


Founded: December 25, 1873

Colors: Bronze, Pink, & Blue

Symbol: The Anchor (stands for Hope)

Nickname: DeeGee

Motto: "Do Good"

Flower: Cream Colored Rose

Mascot: Hannah

Philanthropy: Service for Sight

Our sisters are members of various organizations on campus, creating a true sense of diverse interests. Some are involved in sports, academic clubs, and various other organizations around campus and in the community. As a chapter, we are very dedicated to giving back to our community in as many ways as we can foster. Delta Gamma has its own foundation, Service for Sight, which raises money and awareness for the blind and visually impaired. We host various educational and philanthropic events, such as Sight Night, Anchor Bake, and our annual philanthropic event, Anchor Splash, to support  our foundation.

Delta Gamma’s founding fathers, philanthropy and true sense of sisterhood keep it a unique organization among others.  I am proud to call myself a DG, and proud to be associated with such amazing and strong women.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Top 10 reasons to pledge DG!

With a total of six sororities to choose from at the university of Houston, you may find yourself asking, “Why DG?”  I put together a list of the top 10 reasons why YOU should pledge DG.

1.       Class

·         Delta Gamma’s is nationally known for being a fraternity made up of classy women.  Our values and standards ensure us the best women around.  DG’s love to have a good time, but in a classy manner.

2.       Service for sight – only sorority with its own foundation

·         Delta Gamma’s philanthropy supports “service for sight”, which is dedicated to helping visually impaired children.  DG donates thousands of dollars to the university of Houston’s school of optometry.  DG also co-sponsors lecturerships with the school of optometry.  Houston DG’s devote their time to volunteering at the Lighthouse in Houston.

3.       Highest GPA on campus

·         Delta Gamma at the University of Houston has the highest cumulative GPA of all the sororities on campus.  Enough said. 

4.       Strong, bold women, involved on campus

·         DG’s can be seen all over campus, involved in many different activities.  Houston DG’s are athletes, part of the honors program and many other prestigious organizations.  Delta Gamma prizes itself of being comprised of strong, bold women who aren’t afraid to takes stands in various areas of life.

5.       Great long term benefits

·         Delta Gamma is a lifelong membership.  Even after college graduation, DG makes sure to involve alumnae, serve as a great networking resource and blah blah blah.  DG alum groups are formed nationally to continue the strong sisterly bond. 

6.       Social events

·         Delta Gamma’s are always seen at social events on campus and around the greek community.  From philanthropy events to mixers with fraternities, DG’s always want to have a good time.

7.       Sisterhood bonds unlike others

·         DG offers a unique sisterhood that cannot be found elsewhere.  Just like sisters, UH Delta Gamma’s support each other to the fullest.  Surrounding yourself with DG women is the best decision you can make. 

8.       Bronze, pink and blue

·         Delta Gamma’s color are bronze, pink and blue – the cutest color scheme on campus.  All of our t-shirts and DG decorations are encompassed in this great color scheme.

9.       The golden anchor – a symbol of hope

·         Delta Gamma symbol is the golden anchor, which stands for hope.  At the end of the day, a DG is always hopeful.  While tough circumstances might cause some to give up and turn away, a Delta Gamma always perseveres.  The golden anchor is a symbol of everything a Delta Gamma represents.

10.   The best on campus.

·         Delta Gamma is the best sorority on campus.  It truly has all of the desirable aspects one would look for in a sorority.  DG’s are classy, fun, smart and driven.  What more could you want? 


Thursday, April 5, 2012

What is a sister?

Being a Delta Gamma gives you the opportunity to make lifelong bonds with girls that become your sisters.  A “sister” can be many things – each person has a different definition and experience that determines how they see a sister.  I asked girls in Delta Gamma to explain to me a situation or example or just list characteristics of what a sister is to them.  In reality, these are just girls who walk into your life as strangers, but once we are all united in the same house, wearing the same badge, we mesh together and form a lifelong membership.  We share one strong bond and reach for a very common goal.

Victoria Ellington – 2nd year member:
"Sisterhood holds me to a higher standard in my everyday life – before I was a selfish person, but having my sisters, my peers, around me has made me a much more considerate, empathetic and understanding person.”

Sarah Hutton – 2nd year member:

“To me, a sister is someone who you can be silly with -- someone that you can scream at one second, and laugh with the next.  Some of my closest sisters and I will spend all day together, just hanging out and cracking up.  They accept me just as I am.”
Amanda Shook – 4th year member:

“Me and my closest sisters always watch movies together and eat tons of ice cream and Dorito tacos from taco bell.  I love that I can just relax and be super comfortable.”
Torrie Pare – 3rd year member:

“A sister is someone who brings happiness to your life.  When I think of sisterhood, I think of late night talks and creating a bond that is irreplaceable.  A sister is your second opinion, your someone to confide in and your best friend.”
Sura Karralli – 6th year member:

“Sisters are there to tell you that your headband doesn’t match your outfit and that you’re not allowed to wear those shoes in public.”
Sahar Estetardhi – 3rd year member:

“A sister is your second opinion, someone to confide in and your best friend.  Sisterhood is a lifelong bond that you form.  Your sisters will be in your wedding, and at your baby showers.  You can get crazy and silly without being judged. Someone is always there for you. You can borrow everyone’s clothes! We all share!”

 At the end of the day, we all have different views on what it means to be a sister, yet we all agree on one common message.  A sister is someone who will always be there, not just temporarily and not just when times are good – always.  Through the fights, tears and hardships, my sisters are always there to comfort me and give me great advice.  I will be forever thankful.

Sisterhood is such a special part of Delta Gamma that I wish every woman the opportunity to experience.  The women aren’t just my friends, they’re my sisters.